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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

QC Mayor Bautista Wants Death Penalty Law Reconsidered

Photo credit: GMA
Mayor of Quezon City Herbert Baustisa was called for a revisiting of the country’s death penalty law on Monday after slapping an alleged Chinese drug trader last week.
Bautista stressed in a phone-patch interview on Mornings@ANC, that  certain members of the public who responded to the arrest of the Chinese drug dealer wanted to revive the controversial penalty. He also hopes that Congress will revisit the issue of death punishment, mainly on drug-related cases.
Citing that drugs can destroy a family, Baustisa also wanted that Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas will be "attentive in pushing for the death penalty" and in tracking people and groups behind the illegal drug trade.

Commission on Human Rights (CHR) chairperson Etta Rosales meanwhile, said there is no strong evidence substantiating that the death penalty is in fact decreases criminality. She believes that warrant of arrest, proper investigation, certainty prosecution and sentence is what the Philippine law should give priority on to. 
The CHR chief said the present global trend in human rights is the eradication of the death penalty and the strengthening of uplifting justice. However, Bautista agreed with with Rosales’ statement and explained that he only wants policymakers to look into such issue.

The mayor lately apologized to Rosales after he hit a Chinese national on his face who was caught with 10 kilos of shabu on Friday. The shabu was  with a street value of approximately P15 million. - Sources: GMA, ABS, Youtube